Collective Dealer Reviews


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Feb 7, 2018
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CTR CW / RS400 / Golf R/ Forester XT
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Look, since the beginning I have been counseling for everyone to only offer MSRP. There are numerous Type R owners that paid MSRP, myself included. It would certainly be cheaper for all of us if the cars were allocated by picking the high card or rock-paper-scissors. I’m sorry but you sound like a salesman. Did you ever here of fair market value.

If someone was starving would you charge what ever you could get. You might, I wouldn’t, it is a choice that we all make.
so the problem is with buyers as well not just dealers selling them? . If people are willing to pay extra for a car its their individual right and decision to do so. Is it fair, it may not be fair. I cant judge that because i dont know the right answer. And thats why i said this world we live in is a grey zone. The whole world ever since life originated possibly revolved around one basic principle, survival of the fittest. Like i said earlier, Some people used their extra time for hard work to earn more money and prioritized to buy a car over may be nice cloths or eating out etc. Some people used their free time to do more leg work call around more and buy their dream car instead of sitting around watching a super bowl game. And the end of the day it boils down to the individual how they view life priorities and where to direct their energy and income. In an utopian society where every thing revolves around sense of right and wrong things might sound and look fair, but its a failed system in itself that it cannot sustain. thats why that world doesnt exist.

so to make it simple > car dealers saw supply low > demand high > they put a higher price tag> Did not put a gun on any ones head to buy it > people came in and bought it by their own "will" based on their priority in life. We cant go around blaming the dealer / we cant go around blaming people who wants to do what their free will is telling them to do. Its not life threatening to others / its not changing the way of life for others/ its not affecting other peoples livelihood. Its just a freaking fancy fast car at the end of the day that some guy bought. Others are disappointed. Some body has to be.

now like in canada where adm is illegal, its gonna be first come first serve and i guess all those who got it are happy. Those who didnt get it are still disappointed. Guy living in the boonies been dreaming of type R forever, by the time he made it to the city to buy it. The ford sales guy working next door to the dealership already bought it. Is that fair ?

i repeat there is no right or wrong answer to this. its just mere facts and pure luck.

Again you cannot compare food/ life saving medicines and other life essential to this equation of a fancy sports car which at the end of the day is a luxury in life we enjoy. Dont want to pay for it, dont do it and wait. Opportunity is coming, its not gone forever. Their are people who payed 20 over 10 over 5 over 2 over and some payed MSRP . There is no fair market value for a sports car in demand. Its always gonna be demand market value. After two years if there are excess supply and if cars are sitting in the lot many if not all of us here would haggle and buy it below MSRP . Just like this a dealer cannot go around complaining that customers are asking for more incentives, they cannot say its not fair they should pay always MSRP etc

PS: i am not a sales man in fact nothing related to sales/ i bought at msrp+ add ons I wanted at dealer price / i am just trying to discuss different aspect of this equation before somebody starts being judge and jury and sentence people as wrong / rolling the ball which is gonna cost may be irreversible damage in future.

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First Name
Mar 1, 2018
Reaction score
Chicago Suburbs
2012 Mazdaspeed 3
Soooo.... judging by the changed first post, I’m guessing you didn’t get the car for MSRP like you thought?
