Your friend sounds like a d-bag that only likes exotic supercars or fuckboi trucks.
Haha my biggest advice is don't listen to anyone about YOUR car. I drove a Miata for a while and I've heard it all. Everyone has a preference of car, and in my experience most people who talk shit on a car either drive a new Mustang/camero/challenger or they drive a p.o.s and know nothing about cars. When someone ever tried to say my Miata was stupid, I'd just ask them what they drive and emberass them when I ask any technical question about their car. Personally I think the new hatchs look sporty as hellWhen I first got my 2017 hatchback 2 people said that looks like a 19 year old girls car, ( most people like it). I just laughed, I'm older enough no to take anything serious. I do love my hatchback, very practical car for me. So is there any older people driving this 19 years olds car. I'm 59.