Search results

  1. Looking for a shop that can make custom lip splitter.

    I had one saved in my address book but cant seem to find it anymore and now i want to get it done. So if anyone knows any shop that does a good job let me know.
  2. Would these bad boys fit.
  3. Rallye Red Front Underbody Spoiler will it fit?

    will this fit on the 2016 sedans?
  4. Can I swap the HB sport console illumination be swapped in the sedan

    The inside seems the same and I want the red line inside so just wondering if it's doable.
  5. Need quick exterior led helpplease.

    so it's getting dark and I'm pretty much done placing my leds were I want them but the fuse I taped it to keep it on even with car off. I did it on parking light fuse and drl fuse . Need help to put in a fuse that will keep it off when car is off.
  6. Need your opinion on vinyl idea.

    Well I normally had plastidipped my handles black but I noticed I had a bunch of red and black vinyl that's just collecting dust so I wanted to try something new. I only did this to a small portion of the handle as I didn't want to undo all my dip work to have to just do it all again. The idea...
  7. Broken side mirror :(

    So I work in New York City and well today they closed my street which I normally park my car. So I was forced to park a few blocks down. Once they opened my street where I work again I chose to get my car and this is what I find. The person was kind enough to pick up the pieces they broke and...
  8. I recieved an interesting messege last night from my screen.

    Anybody else receive this messege? If so what actions did you take and how long was it to resolve?
  9. anyone get a paint job recently?

    so I got a major boo boo on my back right door. A deep scratch going from the edge o the door to the edge of the back fender about 6 inches long very noticeable and I would like to get rid of it. Was wondering how much paint job for that would be.
  10. Is paint cracking normal .

    So this past weekend is snowed for the first time since I owned my so I haven't had a chance to clean her up but today finally got a chance to do so and as I was wiping the back bumper down I see this. They are not scratches they are cracks in the paint . Anyone else have that problem? And also...
  11. A little assistance on find out the right bulb size.

    Hello my fellow civic owners, so tomorrow I am planning on tinting my tail lights and bought led break lights just to make sure it's bright enough at night but this morning it occurred to me that the lights that are on the trunk ends. I would hate for it too look dimmer then the break lights...
  12. Anyone try All-Fit lip kit

    I'm not a fan of the aero kit that civic has out right now doesn't really add to the cars look much as it just looks like it tapes to the side of each bumper. And I know being that it is still kinda new that no actual kits out there for it. Was wondering if anyone tried all fit lip kit. If so...
  13. Anyone else feel heat from the engine coming through...

    I've recently noticed if I have the AC off I'll notice a bit of heat just coming from underneath by the pedals and behind the glove compartment. I would assume it's the heat from the engine. I have no heater on or A/C so it isn't that and I don't assume it's normal since all cars I've driven...
  14. Need assistance with my emblem right end detaching.

    So I added a turbo emblem on the right side but didn't take into account the curve the trunk has and the letter O in turbo is coming off its adhesive. How can I correct this situation with out have to rebuy the emblem as if I detach the emblem it may not stick back and I'm concerned on using...
  15. Question just about wheels and tires i just purchased.

    I just purchased a set of wheels and tires from I am aware that they will come balanced already but my question is since im having this delivered to my home will i myself be able to put them on you should i still take them to a shop to get professionally done. Is there anythign...
  16. Quick question about turbo badge.

    Should I replace the tiny one with the much more readable one. I personally prefer it it matches the size of the civic emblem. Just curious if I should swap it while I'm currently dipping my side mirrors chrome piece.
  17. Anyone know where to buy replacement screws for taillights?

    So in the process of changing the reverse lights and well the stock top screws must of been tightened by superman or something. I couldn't get those sucks off and well now they are stripped. and well would like to just overall replace them. It was not that hard to strip them which felt to me...
  18. Anyone have any autounlock problem sometimes?

    This may have been just a random glitch but just curios if at any time anyone had there car auto unlock with out pressing anything and being about 20 feet away from there car? I was at work and luckily get to park my car directly in front of my building and were I can see it. I am roughly about...
  19. Question on others that tinted there cars.

    So I went and got my tints today and got them at 5% thinking that it would look great on my white civic and well at night boy did it feel like a mission to drive in my neighbor hood that is poorly lit. It may have been that i been out in the sun all day that my eyes haven't adjusted but...
  20. Any North Jersey drivers

    Hey just thought I would try and bring a little life into the tristate. I'm from North Bergen. Any other North Jersey or New York drivers.
