No, your O2 sensors/hardware isnt bad. It has to do with the tune itself. Likely the BOV is messing with the a/f computer readings with its exaggerated blows. I agree with above.
So I've been riding for about a year now on my motorcycle, and I've never received so much as a parking ticket (okay maybe once...). Today I was pulled over not on my bike, but in my family's minivan ffs by a NY state trooper. I knew I was getting a ticket the second he demanded LICENSE AND...
The R3? Super easy and fun to ride, even for experienced riders. It has enough punch to have fun in the twisties and be really forgiving. Gonna be selling it for a new bike really soon ;(
I just had mine replaced today--dealer found the faulty condenser. But wow my dealer diagnosed the problem and replaced the part the same day. All within a few hours at no charge. I love my local dealer, and that's coming from someone who calls em stealerships...
Gonna drive the car home...
I've had this problem in numerous cars, notably my brothers Audi A6. I replaced the lower intercooler as it was leaking coolant and refilled the coolant, but turns out there was a bubble there that would sound like water sloshing around. Dealer bled the system and all was a-ok.
As a side note...
I second this. Coming from someone who lives in the northeast and every dam brake job on my cars I have to replace the caliper in whole as the slider seizes in the caliper and the nut breaks off. P I T A.
Do not mind the "forum folklore" folks on here commenting. Yes, you can certainly reset items that are not due. Just go to the maintenance items in the dashboard, press and hold "Enter" for at least 10 seconds and choose the item that needs to be reset. I believe transmission fluid is #3, but...
This is completely wrong. Where did you get that from? The only cars that use motor-driven compressors are electric vehicles. Making the alternator drive the compressor is only beating a dead horse. You are not achieving anything
Same here man, my 2017 EX-T is showing the same symptoms. Like you said, the drivers side is warmer than the passenger side. This is a typical sign of low refrigerant. I am gonna drop it off Monday morning to get it checked out. Luckily i am only at 28k miles :).
And thus, a greater distance equals a greater MPG. Fuel injector "squirting" is irrelevant. Only distance is required for MPG (and injector firing, but volume needs not be measured)
But yes you are right Injctor cleaners on the 1.5 civic does not do jack to clean.
True man. I think gear makes you look sexy...haha
Ever since I took my I first slide I wear all of my gear all the time. I even recommend all riders wear the Turtle Helite Airbag vest. That, is a true life saver
What is your guy's take on riding a bike? My family hates motorcycles, and they say I'm just gonna crash one day...:stirthepot: I dont mind it, the joy of riding is far more intoxicating than the fear of it.
A fellow rider just fell next to where I work. I believe he perished RIP.
Wear your...