Got same letter last week. Guess us folks down south will not be receiving the notice of the recall for the oil dilution problems like the other states have been dealing with. Instead they give us this which is better than nothing.
I'm guessing that the Ops got it all fixed and loving his car now. Loving it so much, he hasn't had time to post an update. It's usually when vehicle continues to have ongoing problems, the posts continues in search for a remedy. Let's hope this is the case.
I've had my FP running base +6 tune for around 8 months and have never had any slippage. There has been a number of times that I put my car through the ringer and the clutch is perfectly fine. You will not have any slippage issues running the +6, but more likely with the +9. Seems that the SI...
I wasn't charged any extra for mine. I had a choice of the blue or this white orchid pearl for same price. The color blue they used was not for me. I'm sure some dealers are adding that as a add on just to make a little more pocket change.
You will not get any noticable power gains from just changing out the air filter. Mostly just a slight sound change if any. I have the CARB FP and using the K&N air filter mainly so that I don't have to keep replacing it every so often.
Nissan isn't any better. Had the worst paint issues with my 2016 Nissan Altima before I traded it in for my Civic. Honestly, my paint is holding up so far so good on my civic and I check often. My windshield got a small dime size crack after the 3rd hard hit with a small rock. Honestly...
Maybe you have a fancier FP than what I got. Mine doesn't tell me to switch the ignition off when it's finished LOL. However, I have played around enough now to know that it's working properly.
My Honda dealer actually provided me with rubber OEM mats that they installed, but had the cheap carpet mats in the trunk. I just stored the carpet mats in my home and been using the rubber ones. Didn't want to just throw the brand new set of cheap carpeted mats in the trash as I'm sure they...
My side windows look kinda like that, but only when I am wearing a certain pair of sunglasses. Pretty sure reflections I'm seeing is because of the lense type on my glasses. My other sunglasses do not give off that same reflection and looks normal.