And you think you can get the opinion of a Honda technician here?
Reading the replies, it seems “normal”.
Maybe being a mechanic yourself, you'd be ( too much ? ) a perfectionist ? Which is a quality.
Without making an appointment with a dealer, which would be charged to me, I'd just ask if...
Parking Mode made easy! Highly recommended for BlackVue users who leave their vehicles for longer periods yet want continuous...
With a voltmeter you can find wich circuit / fuse is alway ON.
Or here ? ;
and ;
Wrong , all car are the same. for these very basic jobs. With all my car I nevrr go to the dealer my last Civic has 125,000 miles.
Dealer make money with that kind of jobs , not when selling cars.
".......... I’ve got like 8 knobs of different materials, shapes and weights honestly *none of it makes much difference to shifting*.........."