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  1. 2016 Civic EX-T CVT Oil Leak

    3 years later..........
  2. Mysterious leak on 17 Touring Sedan

    3 years later...........
  3. "Click" Sound when Changing Gear/Shifting

    Thank's for the answer , sorry I don't know anyone.
  4. "Click" Sound when Changing Gear/Shifting

    And you think you can get the opinion of a Honda technician here? Reading the replies, it seems “normal”. Maybe being a mechanic yourself, you'd be ( too much ? ) a perfectionist ? Which is a quality. Without making an appointment with a dealer, which would be charged to me, I'd just ask if...
  5. "Click" Sound when Changing Gear/Shifting

    I've reread the subject from the beginning and everyone's noticing the same noise. Did you ask the dealer?
  6. Dash cam hardwire installation Parking Mode made easy! Highly recommended for BlackVue users who leave their vehicles for longer periods yet want continuous...
  7. Dash cam hardwire installation

    No , is not.
  8. Dash cam hardwire installation

    With a voltmeter you can find wich circuit / fuse is alway ON. Or here ? ; and ;
  9. Draining CVT fluid with ramps only?

    Thank's to share. Extremely interesting video
  10. Draining CVT fluid with ramps only?

    I alway use torque wrench on sensitive bolts. So cheap
  11. A rusty bolt on muffler

    " Is it common to have some rusty bolt on muffler for a month? " Yes, normal . Don't worry. It is your first car ? Don't look under the hood
  12. 2021 Honda Civic Sport clutch $4300 bill

    I admire your perseverance. You've finally earned your point.
  13. Brake fluid and transmission fluid change necessary?

    Wrong , all car are the same. for these very basic jobs. With all my car I nevrr go to the dealer my last Civic has 125,000 miles. Dealer make money with that kind of jobs , not when selling cars.
  14. Carbon particles/sludge during oil change

    I don't truss those places , It is my opinion
  15. Weighted shift knob recommend

    Why not ! I spend my money on other kind of toy ;)
  16. Carbon particles/sludge during oil change

    Cheap filter. ? With my 2018 and more than 110,000 miles I never see that. I do my own oil changes .
  17. Weighted shift knob recommend

    ".......... I’ve got like 8 knobs of different materials, shapes and weights honestly *none of it makes much difference to shifting*.........." -dt10g
  18. Steering is stiff and notchy feeling

    This problem will remain a mystery.
  19. Excessive rear brake pad wear

    We must know wher car is built and for which market ; UK , USA ....? Did OP live in UK ?
