None of these products are comparable to a coating or cause a hard shell like a few of you are referring to. They are simply silica spray sealants which are a totally different product, and most vary drastically in terms of durability. The problem is that most consumers really have little...
Unless you have a knowledge of polishing it may be hard to explain. But obviously quality comes with price. Your also comparing a large throw polisher (Rupes) to a typical 8mm polisher (HF, PC or Griots). A large throw polisher will correct quicker while requiring far less pressure during...
If you are on a really tight budget you could pick up the harbor freight DA polisher, which isn't bad for the price. I had one a long time ago when I was first starting out and used it for about 6 months or so, and I still have it today and use it with a carpet brush for interior work. However...
And unfortunately the brand you decided to go with is one of the worst offenders when it comes to providing highly inaccurate information to people. You should also probably take a closer look at your warranty, as you likely have already voided it anyways. It clearly states that the vehicle...
Unfortunately the only way to fully clean the car is to actually wash it. Many people are under the impression that they will never need to wash it anymore, which simply is not going to be the case. Not sure what coating you have on your car, did your installer not go over maintenance with you...
Rain is typically quite pure compared to water used for washing from a hose (unless you live in an area prone to acid rain). Very rarely will rain ever cause spotting.
Wow this thread will make your head spin with a lot of misinformation. First coatings do not need to be sanded off, and any polishing of any sort will greatly diminish the coatings performance if not fully remove it. As for the coatings needing a booster every 6 months, it is not needed but it...
Glazes are useful if your not doing a thorough correction on the vehicle as they typically have fillers in them that are filling minor flaws for a better visual appearance. A glaze is basically make up for your cars finish.
Spotless is safe for use on coatings. Obviously its not a product you want to use on a coating regularly though as it will eventually effect the coating.
I have not measured the thickness on my car at all or any other civics really. I rarely measure paint thickness unless its an older car or...
If you are having an issue with water spots give CarPro Spotless a try. Quite easy to use and works great to remove spots as long as they haven't fully etched into the finish.
Here is a good write up showing how to use it by my buddy Zach.
Which is why I said I am not a fan of claying a vehicle unless it is being polished. And most new cars actually do require both chemical and mechanical decon for prep.
In many cases you need to replace tires or wear and tear items on a leased car anyways. So if you lease it and put new wheels and tires on the car right away, you can put the factory wheels back on the car and still have basically new tires for when you turn the vehicle back in. If it makes...
Dealer applied protection packages are typically quite poor in quality. Most are very cheap products that are poorly applied, so you are essentially just buying a warranty for a subpar product. I would always recommend skipping any type of dealer offered protection or even the dealer prep and...
I would highly recommend giving Sonax Leather Foam a try. It is quite easy to use and works very well. Here is a review and write up on Detailed Image that I did awhile back for it.
He is referring to your first like that says "I would wax, then seal." You always apply the sealant first if your going to layer.
I am also not a fan of claying a vehicle unless you will be following up with a light polish. Clay is an abrasive and will cause marring to the finish. Even if...
Orange peel removal can be quite risky on most factory paint cars, especially for someone who has not done it before. Most modern cars have very thin clears on them from the factory and it does not take much to cause a burn through. Unfortunately the paint quality on these cars are certainly...
I will second The Rag Company, very nice high quality towels. I use quite a few of their towels, however for a drying towel nothing beats Griots PFM Terry Weave Drying Towel. The Kirkland towels are a great throw away or universal towel if that is something your looking for.
With a black car you need to wash very early in the morning or just before dark. Try to avoid washing on sunny days also as the surface of the vehicle will be hot which can also lead to spots (depending on your water source). A good investment would be to purchase a CR Spotless System which...
Yes I have used it several times. It is a nice polish and a small amount goes a long way, and it wipes off quite easy. This is the last car I used it on.