ive thought about it... it’s an amazing fun car. The monthly payments though are a bit much and I’mtrying to downsize overall.
i can get wider shots in tommroow. Been out of town a lot recently
I am considering selling my type R as I might be moving soon. I have a ton of uprades and the car is loaded (about 7,000$ worth of upgrades ) both interior upgrades directly installed by Honda and Exterior ones. I will post pictures once I wash the car. It has been raining alot lately...
Is there any aftermarket wing for sale out there other than the 1700$ APR performance one? I don’t like our stock wing as you can tell from my picture I removed it. Would like something a little simpler. I haven’t sent anything out there
i have removed the OeM wing and would like to replace it with something so the holes aren’t showing. I read a few people saying the civic si wing might fit as a replacement. I’ve tried searching for this wing but am unsure if I’m finding the right one. I keep getting a Honda wing that is...
I’ve had two major blowouts in a year, most recent being yesterday see picture. The guy at the shop recommended I also replace the front driver tire as it is close to blowing as well. So in a year I’ve replaced three OEM tires. My car is a 2018 and has 19k miles. I never have tracked this...
Im having the problem too. I put in new O rings yesterday and made the seal flush. I’m still not getting boost and the engine light is still on. However I’m not stalling anymore when I’m in low gear or going up a hill. It feels ok I hope the light goes away soon.
I’m having the same problem as well, I can upload a picture of what the Honda dealer told me... I’m starting to really regret this purchase ...
I have emailed PRL and they said they will sell me new o rings , i feel I should get them free though